Thiago Negri Apps

Word Hunter 1.0.0
Thiago Negri
A word search, word find, word seek, word sleuth or mystery wordpuzzle is a word game that consists of the letters of words placedin a grid, which usually has a rectangular or square shape. Theobjective of this puzzle is to find the words hidden inside thebox. The words may be placed in any direction. The game shows theword to search at the bottom. You should find the word and mark itwith your finger. Word searches are commonly found in dailynewspapers and puzzle books. Some teachers use them as educationaltools for children, the benefit being that young minds can learnnew words and their spellings by intensively searching for them,letter by letter, in the puzzle.
Match Jewels Mania 1.2
Thiago Negri
Match Jewels Mania is a great match three gameavailable in the Play Store. The gameplay it is unlimited, it maygo to infinity, it just depends on your skills and a bit of luck toget the right gems into the board.Features:* Match three jewels to take them off the board* Endless game style, you only stop playing when the board is stuck(there are no moves left to make)* Match four or more gems to promote one of them to an explosivejewel, when this new jewel is matched it will explode and removeall surrounding pieces off the board* Seven different types of jewels to combine* Each piece you collect or promote will grant you score points,collecting more gems in a single round will give you more pointsthan if you collected them in different moments* Track your score with Google Play GamesThe game is entirely free, displays ads and there is no in-apppurchase options
TicTacToe 1.0
Thiago Negri
Plain old Tic Tac Toe (Noughts and Crosses, Xs and Os). Straight tothe action: no menus, forms, etc. Just vanilla TicTacToe game fun.
Sokoban 1.0
Thiago Negri
Sokoban is a type of transport puzzle, in which the player pushesboxes or crates around in a warehouse, trying to get them tostorage locations. The puzzle is usually implemented as a videogame. The game is played on a board of squares, where each squareis a floor or a wall. Some floor squares contain boxes, and somefloor squares are marked as storage locations. The player isconfined to the board, and may move horizontally or vertically ontoempty squares (never through walls or boxes). The player can alsomove into a box, which pushes it into the square beyond. Boxes maynot be pushed into other boxes or walls, and they cannot be pulled.The puzzle is solved when all boxes are at storage locations.
Peg Solitaire 1.17
Thiago Negri
Peg Solitaire Mania is the best peg solitaire game available forAndroid. Playing it is a joyful experience, you will need to useyour brain to solve all the boards and you can track your progresswith Game Center integration. Peg solitaire is the number oneclassic board puzzle game for one player (solo) involving movementof pegs (pieces) on a board with holes. It is also known asSolitaire, Hi-Q, Solo Noble, Brainvita, Resta Um and Senku. Theobjective is, making valid moves, to empty the entire board exceptfor a solitary peg. A valid move is to jump a peg orthogonally overan adjacent peg into a hole two positions away and then to removethe jumped peg. Thus valid moves in each of the four orthogonaldirections are: * Jump to right; * Jump to left; * Jump up; * Jumpdown. The first challenge is to solve the puzzle, and then you canchallenge yourself and try to solve it with the minimum number ofmovements. Each jump is considered a move, multiple jumps with thesame peg are considered a single move, so you can keep jumping withthe same peg and still count it as a single movement. The gamedisplays the count of how many movements you have made at the topof the screen. Features: * Multiple board types to select * Fivedifferent board types: English (Standard), European (French),Wiegleb, Asymmetrical (Bell) and Diamond. * Display game move count* Quick replay same board * Give up current game * Restart currentgame * Shows Android status bar, so you can keep track of otherthings while playing, for example current time * Integrated withGoogle Play Games, each board you solve will award you anachievement * Universal app * Retina display ready, including thenew iPad * Uses the same color theme used by Android, you will feelat home * Move pegs by click to select and click to jump * Showvalid moves when a piece is selected Relax and enjoy! The game isentirely free and displays ads, there is no in-app purchaseoptions.